Success Story: Michigan Dental Association
Background: The Michigan Dental Association (MDA) serves more than 6,000 dental professionals throughout Michigan by encouraging the improvement of oral health, enhancing its members’ ability to provide ethical care and to promote the science and art of dentistry.
Challenge: At the time, the MDA was in the process of selecting an outside IT provider. When SMART I.T. Services first presented our S.M.A.R.T. Services® program to the MDA, we were competing against another firm that was located locally “right down the road”, who happened to also provide service “remotely”. The MDA eventually chose the other firm.
After experiencing the other firm’s services for one year (their contract term), the MDA promptly released them, deciding not to renew their contract. This left the MDA back at square-one, needing to find reliable IT support services they could count on.
Success Story: After ending the relationship with their previous IT provider, the MDA turned to SMART I.T. Services for support and has been on our S.M.A.R.T. Services® Platinum level program ever since. The Platinum level of support is a comprehensive remote network monitoring and management plan that reduces downtime and associated IT costs, increases employee productivity, and contributes to a stable network environment. In addition to their day-to-day IT support, SMART I.T. Services has provided services related to their Association Management System and has helped with a substantial network infrastructure upgrade.