Smart Services has been providing independent agents with proactive, fast, and expert technology services since 1991.

The Value of Knowing Your Tech

b2ap3_thumbnail_Value400.jpgThe IT industry is such a rapidly changing field that it can take up a fair amount of your time just to keep up with all of the latest developments. Staying current translates into a lot time visiting tech news websites and reading gadget reviews. You are a busy person, is it worth it to spend your time keeping up with technology?

Of course, if you are a tech junkie and technology is your hobby, then this question is a nonissue; you will continue to follow the latest from the IT industry and get energized with the release of every new gadget. However, this is certainly not the case for everybody, especially business owners who are very busy and feel the pressure to stay current in whatever fields they do business in. It may seem hard to believe, but there may even be workers in the IT industry who are not all that much into technology--keep in mind that more than 80% of workers hate their job.

At SMART Services, we would most definitely call ourselves tech junkies; and as a bonus, we love our jobs and enjoy serving our customer's technology needs. We understand that not everyone feels as strongly about networking and cloud computing as we do; this is one of reasons that we passionately make our services available to everyone. Today, we want to communicate to you that staying current with technology can be more than a hobby; it can also be good for business. Here are a few ways that staying hip to the latest IT news will help your company be successful.

Businesses that can offer customers solutions to their pressing technology problems will be rewarded with growth. Even if you are not an IT company, technology is still a big part of everything that you do, and new tech is always hitting the market that is designed to make your business more profitable. By not being aware of these new business technologies, you may be missing out on implementing a time-saving or lead-generating technology that could radically improve everything that you do. Worst case scenario, your competitor keeps up with the latest technology and discovers this game-changing solution before you do.

If your competition knows about the latest business technology before you do, then they will have a clear advantage when interacting with customers. Here is a very real scenario: you are at a trade show schmoozing it up with potential customer, they ask you about a very relevant technology that they read about on CNET. This miracle technology promises to improve their company's communications and save them money. You have never heard of this before and you have no idea what they are talking about. You are able to string words together and speak sentences, but it is obvious to everyone in the conversation that you are trying to skirt the issue. Meanwhile, your competitor one booth over "just happened" to overhear the question. As the customer walks away they are met by your competitor who has the CNET article already brought up on their tablet. Your apathy towards staying current with technology just cost you a sale.

Another benefit that comes from staying current with technology is increased security for your IT infrastructure. Every so often a major application is surprisingly hacked, putting thousands or even millions of user's personal information at risk. You do not want to find out six months after the national hacking event that you have been running a malicious malware on your network. You will feel sick knowing that this damaging virus could have been prevented if you had known about the risk the day it hit the news.

While it is not mandatory that you become a tech junkie, it is good for your business that you keep an eye on the IT Industry for relevant technology news. SMART Services is here to help. We make it our business to follow the latest technology solutions in order to give our customers the competitive edge with their business. We are also committed to staying on top of all the latest security threats and offer a remote monitoring service that will keep your network protected from threats both new and old.

When the hype from the launch of the latest gadget has gone away, at the end of the day, we value our relationship with our clients, more so than even technology itself. This means that we have your best interest in mind; and when we spend hours reviewing the latest specs on new devices, we do so with the perspective of finding solutions for your business. When a new game-changing technology is released, we will be sure to tell you about it and offer our services to implement it into your business. Call SMART Services at 586 258-0650 and let's talk technology!

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