Smart Services has been providing independent agents with proactive, fast, and expert technology services since 1991.

3 Reasons VoIP is Superior For Conference Calls

b2ap3_thumbnail_voip_video_400.jpgConference calls are a staple in the modern office environment. But did you know Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) offers a significantly better way to handle conference calls?

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Finally, Microsoft Cuts the Cord on Internet Explorer 8, 9, and 10

b2ap3_thumbnail_ie_end_of_support_400.jpgAs of two weeks ago, Internet Explorer 8, 9, and 10, are no longer supported by Microsoft. That’s right; no more patches or security updates for IE. This makes continuing to use older versions of Windows a cause for concern. Perhaps this is for the best, but in light of this news, users of IE will want to either update to IE 11 or switch to a new browser.

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Tip of the Week: On or Off, Which is Better For Your PC at the End of the Day?

b2ap3_thumbnail_on_or_off_400.jpgAfter a long, hard day at the office, you might be tempted to just log off of your workstation without also shutting down your PC to save time the next day. But should you power down your desktop, or simply log off? Both have their own pros and cons,

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Why Should You Upgrade Your Old PC When it’s Doing Everything You Need it To?

b2ap3_thumbnail_old_working_tech_400.jpgTechnology changes at an astounding rate. Because of constant technological improvements, some users feel the need to replace their devices the second a bigger and better technology is launched. On the other hand, the increase in reliability of computers in recent years has has hindered the sales of new PCs.

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77% of Businesses Virtualize Their IT In Some Capacity. What About You?

b2ap3_thumbnail_virtualization_400.jpgTechnology solutions for small and medium-sized businesses can be complex, which is why simplification is at the top of a lot of executives’ priorities. To that end, virtualization is a key component, helping organizations make their IT easier to manage. What effect does this have on data security?

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