How often have you been browsing the web on your phone, only to find something that would be legitimately useful for your work—maybe it was a tip you wanted to try out, or a bit of information that would be helpful to know—so you wanted to be able to access it from your workstation? There’s actually a very easy way to make this happen, thanks to the multi-platform nature of the Google Chrome browser.
Let’s go over how to access the same web page you were viewing on your workstation or mobile device on the other one.
First, let’s assume that you’re on one device, and want to continue viewing a page on the other. Provided that you’re signed into the same Google account in both places, you can always just view your browsing history, as it tracks activity on all devices logged in.
We’re big fans of anything that potentially makes work processes easier, so we like this feature quite a bit. Make sure you keep checking back for more ways to use your technology just a little better, or give us a call at 586 258-0650 to find out what our managed services could do for you.
About the author
Jerry Fetty is the CEO and founder of SMART I.T. Services, Inc. Jerry has been called the "Geek King". He has been helping companies make smart decisions about their networks and automation systems for over 30 years.