Smart Services has been providing independent agents with proactive, fast, and expert technology services since 1991.

Why the Recent Dissolution of Net Neutrality Could Be Very Bad for Your Business

Why the Recent Dissolution of Net Neutrality Could Be Very Bad for Your Business

Net neutrality has long been an embattled topic, with rules flipping every few years depending on the opinions of those with influence. Recently, the Federal Communications Commission had its most recent net neutrality policy struck down by the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals… in such a way that sets the concept back to square one.

Let’s discuss why this is a particularly dangerous decision, and very well could put small and medium-sized businesses at a distinct disadvantage moving forward.

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Invest In VoIP: You Won’t Regret It

Invest In VoIP: You Won’t Regret It

For years, the telephone has been one of the most tried-and-true business communications solutions, and that trend will continue into 2025. If you’re still using the phone solutions of the past, however, you’ve got some upgrading to do. Here’s what you need to know about the best communications investment you can make: Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP.

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Hardware Prices Are Likely On the Rise in 2025

Hardware Prices Are Likely On the Rise in 2025

Many market analysts and industry experts foresee an increase in the cost of hardware. We recommend that you take matters into your own hands to dodge the price hike and purchase your new IT now before it costs you more to do so. The implementation of any proposed tariffs could impact the market as early as February 2025, so we wanted to discuss what you should consider when purchasing new hardware today.

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Tip of the Week: Getting Windows Off Ghost Screens

Tip of the Week: Getting Windows Off Ghost Screens

If you want more productivity from the workday, then multiple monitors can help you achieve this goal. You might run into the issue of “ghost monitors,” though, where your PC believes you are connected to screens when you’re not. If you experience this issue and your application windows are off-screen and unobtainable, you’ll find this week’s tip helpful.

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Three Ways to Use the Cloud to Dodge Hardware Costs

Three Ways to Use the Cloud to Dodge Hardware Costs

With the price of hardware at risk of skyrocketing, it’s no wonder that many businesses are looking to virtualize as much of their operations as they can. This is where the cloud comes in; you can virtualize just about any solution, including some that you might not have considered in the past. Let’s explore how an SMB might use virtualization and cloud computing to skirt hardware acquisition costs.

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Why Your Business Needs Server Management Support (and How You Can Get It)

Why Your Business Needs Server Management Support (and How You Can Get It)

Do you ever feel at home in your business’ server room? That is, assuming you have a server room, and it’s more than just a stuffy closet in an isolated part of your office. If you’re not confident that you can provide your servers with the management, maintenance, and monitoring they need, we recommend you work with a managed IT company to ensure you get the most value you can from your server units.

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Tip of the Week: Simple Privacy Steps on Android

Tip of the Week: Simple Privacy Steps on Android

Your Android device offers a lot of capabilities in its little frame, with many people relying on theirs to keep their lives organized and generally handled. Many businesses even rely on Android mobile devices. This should only reinforce how critical privacy and security are.

In light of this, we’ve shared a few simple tips anyone can do to help make a smartphone that much more secure. 

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How Outsourced IT Services Defy the Project Management Triangle

How Outsourced IT Services Defy the Project Management Triangle

There is a concept known as the iron triangle that provides a simple framework for project management by outlining the balance between your costs, your available time, and the desired quality of your outcome.

Traditionally, the iron triangle helps illustrate how these factors impact each other. Instead, we wanted to take advantage of the principles of the triangle to explore how beneficial it can be to outsource IT services.

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Still Need a Resolution for New Year’s? Consider These Career and IT-Based Ones

Still Need a Resolution for New Year’s? Consider These Career and IT-Based Ones

Happy New Year! This time is usually dedicated to making plans and commitments to improve oneself over the coming months in the interest of the future. In the spirit of the holiday, let’s talk about how the right resolutions can help your career or your business’ use of technology.

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Why Data Privacy is Important and How You Can Make It a Priority

Why Data Privacy is Important and How You Can Make It a Priority

Since so much of the world is now online, businesses and organizations interact with people online now more than ever. This means they also collect people’s information, a practice they do for various reasons. Individuals need to consider their own data privacy and how it might be affected by business practices.

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AI IT Support Can Free Up Technicians... At a Cost


The big thing in business computing is AI, or artificial intelligence, and businesses are implementing it to solve a lot of repetitive problems that free up their employees to serve other roles. One such area is for IT support. But is it worth it to chat with a robot when something as important as IT is on the line?

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How to Get Santa (and His Elves) the Letters They Need

How to Get Santa (and His Elves) the Letters They Need

While we all know how much magic the workshops up at the North Pole rely on to produce presents for the good children of the world, we have it on good authority that they also rely on quite a bit of technology. For instance, there are a lot of letters that need to be sorted and read before Santa’s big ride. Let’s read up on what our partners up north frequently deal with in their critical operations.

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Think Your Employees Aren’t Burnt Out? Think Again

Think Your Employees Aren’t Burnt Out? Think Again

If you want your business to succeed, you need to take care of your employees, but businesses sometimes let this important task slip in the throes of the day-to-day. Deloitte estimates that around 8 out of every 10 wage workers show signs of burnout. So the question then becomes… What are you doing about it?

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How to Reposition Yourself for Remote Productivity (Literally!)

How to Reposition Yourself for Remote Productivity (Literally!)

As current events have made congregating in an office irresponsible and hazardous, many companies are sustaining their operations by enabling remote work. While we normally focus on how you should properly take care of your technology, we wanted to shift our focus momentarily to the people using this technology, and how they can do so more safely.

To do so, we have to consider ergonomics.

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Tip of the Week: How to Adapt to a Business Disaster

Tip of the Week: How to Adapt to a Business Disaster

“Stuff” happens. While this may not be the kind of thing you want to consider in terms of your business’ operations, it is something that must be done if you want to be prepared for the moment when all of that “stuff” hits the fan (as so many businesses are now learning firsthand). We wanted to share a few best practices and tips to help you stay positive during this, and other, serious crises.

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The Cloud Is Coming of Age

The Cloud Is Coming of Age

For the past decade, cloud computing has grown fairly rapidly, but as a new decade, and a pesky virus has people (and businesses) leaning on hosted computing solutions more now than ever, it seems like a good time to review the types of cloud options that are available, and how they provide value to businesses just like yours.

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The Importance of Secure Conferencing

The Importance of Secure Conferencing

Conferencing has been an important tool for businesses as stay-at-home orders have moved their operations out of the office and into worker’s homes. While there are dozens of video conferencing solutions on the market, businesses should consider security just as much as they consider functionality. Today, we’ll take a look at security for your company’s conferencing solutions.

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Tip of the Week: Monitor Your Hardware While Out of the Office

Tip of the Week: Monitor Your Hardware While Out of the Office

Businesses are just now starting to reopen as stay-at-home orders are lapsing or going to lapse. For many of those businesses, remote solutions have got them through this ordeal and for many others they continue to deploy a remote workforce. For companies still promoting telework, monitoring your local IT environment is something that you need a solution for. For this week’s tip, we’ll discuss some of the best practices you can use to monitor your IT while out of the office.

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Technologies that Small Businesses Should Be Using

Technologies that Small Businesses Should Be Using

As time passes and technology is developed, a lot of the processes that businesses rely on become more efficient and stand to deliver greater benefits to the organizations that use them. These benefits are accessible to businesses of all sizes, including small businesses. Let’s go over a few small business needs, and how technology can assist with them.

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VoIP Is a Complete Game Changer

VoIP Is a Complete Game Changer

Businesses of all types rely on their telephone systems. Today, there is an option that can revolutionize any business’ communications platform, and do so for a fraction of the cost of a traditional telephone system. Today, we’ll take a look at VoiP and why it’s such a good option for your business.

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