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Businesses Need Data Backup to Manage Risk

Businesses Need Data Backup to Manage Risk

If there is one thing we tell every would-be client of ours, it is that it is essential that they secure their data with a comprehensive backup and recovery system. This is not to make our lives easier or to sell products, it is a fact, and said strictly for their own benefit. Even the smallest organizations need protection against situations that could put all their staff’s hard work in jeopardy. Let’s take a look at why backup is so important.

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Test Your Backup Before You Regret Not Doing It

Test Your Backup Before You Regret Not Doing It

If there is one thing that you could take away from our blog it is that data backup is an integral part of any business continuity strategy. Unfortunately, there are so many different parts to it that it’s not surprising some data could slip through the cracks if not maintained properly. If you’re not actively taking measures to keep disasters from derailing your business’ progress, you stand to lose more than some data. Let’s take a look at some of the critical parts of a data backup and disaster recovery process and why it is essential to give them a test regularly. 

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Solid Data Recovery Strategies Can Get You Through Tough Situations

Solid Data Recovery Strategies Can Get You Through Tough Situations

As most people know, data backup is important, and when things go wrong you’ll be glad your business has it. The thing is, it’s not enough to have a copy of your data when you need to restore it, you’ll also need a recovery strategy. This is because getting your data back working for you is arguably as important as any other part of the process. Today, we’ll take a look at data recovery strategies that will get your business back on track after a disaster.

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Data Backup Truly Protects a Business

Data Backup Truly Protects a Business

Data backup is a must-have for every business, but it isn’t enough to just copy your data. You will need to have a data recovery strategy in place to ensure that your business can effectively respond after a data loss incident. Today, we’ll take a look at why considering your recovery strategy early is important, and how to prioritize it with everything else going on with your business.

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What You Need to Have a Solid Recovery Strategy

What You Need to Have a Solid Recovery Strategy

No one can tell when a disaster is going to hit your business or what form that disaster is going to take. The cause could be a storm, human error, or some freak occurrence that nobody could have seen coming. In order to get back up and running after one of these incidents a company needs to have a strong business continuity strategy. An essential part of this strategy is knowing how to recover data depending on the way it’s lost. Getting data back and working for your company is the only way to stave off ruin, so let’s look at data recovery strategies that can literally save your business.

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How to Prepare Your Business for Any Form of Disaster

How to Prepare Your Business for Any Form of Disaster

With technology serving such an indispensable role in modern business the looming threat of disaster is one that needs to be considered. With so many consequences on the line, it’s important that your business is prepared to deal with these disasters effectively and efficiently. Let’s run through some tips for properly preparing for your potential disaster recovery needs.

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Disaster Recovery as a Service is a Way to Insulate Your Business From Harm

Disaster Recovery as a Service is a Way to Insulate Your Business From Harm

In an era where businesses rely heavily on data and technology, the need for comprehensive disaster recovery solutions has never been more critical. The stakes are high when it comes to safeguarding your company's digital assets and ensuring business continuity in the face of unforeseen disasters. This is where Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) comes into play.

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You Need to Have a Business Continuity Plan for Your SMB

You Need to Have a Business Continuity Plan for Your SMB

Business technology is known to be remarkably finicky, particularly if you do not have the requisite knowledge to manage and maintain it. After all, there is a reason why you hire an IT department or a managed service provider to handle this role. What happens if your technology fails, though? Do you have a plan in place? What does a plan like this even look like, anyway? Let’s dig into the details.

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The Importance of Operational Backup

The Importance of Operational Backup

There are numerous backup strategies. Some are attractive for their affordability, some for their comprehensiveness, but regardless of the strategy you use, it will need to fit the kind of work that you do. Some businesses need to make considerations for the amount of data that is created, and what would happen if it were lost. This is where an operational backup strategy comes into play. Let’s take a look at what that means.

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Understanding Disaster Recovery: RTO and RPO

Understanding Disaster Recovery: RTO and RPO

In business, having contingencies for potential problems tends to be advantageous for the business that wants to stave off ruin. When you are dealing with information technology--specifically data--ensuring that it is protected against loss in the face of the litany of threats out there is an undertaking in itself. A disaster recovery strategy is created to govern the processes a business develops to recover to restore operations in a manner that will keep the business in business. This month we take a look at two of the core variables of a disaster recovery strategy: RPO and RTO.

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Ways to Be Smarter About Your Data

Ways to Be Smarter About Your Data

Here’s a fact that you’ve heard before: data loss is a nightmare for your business, and ransomware is the boogeyman. Once your data has been breached, your company’s reputation is damaged in perpetuity. That’s why it is important to confront these fears and start prioritizing data security. 

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Companies Look to BDR for Business Continuity

Companies Look to BDR for Business Continuity

Data backup is one of the most important parts of maintaining a business, but it’s not something that some organizations even consider until it’s too late to undo the damage done. In any case, data backup is a critical part of any successful business, but it’s not as simple as implementing a solution and hoping it works. We’ll walk you through the proper steps for making sure your organization has a successful data backup solution when it’s needed most.

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5 Backup and Recovery Questions, Answered

5 Backup and Recovery Questions, Answered

Data backup is a critical component for businesses, as damage control is needed by just about any organization that has day-to-day interactions in risky environments like the Internet. Furthermore, some organizations are located in high-risk areas where natural disasters are a considerable threat. Regardless, there is one situation where all businesses need to be wary about data security, and that’s user error. Our point is that it doesn’t matter where your business is located or what industry it’s in; there will always be situations where data backup will be helpful, so consider how it must be implemented now before it’s too late.

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You Don’t Need a Disaster to Hit to Use a Backup Solution

You Don’t Need a Disaster to Hit to Use a Backup Solution

All businesses need to take preventative measures to secure their futures, but did you know that data backup isn’t just about making sure your business survives in the event of a disaster? While natural disasters, user error, and other means of data loss can all be reduced through the development of a substantial data backup plan, your organization will find use for your backup even during normal everyday operations, providing a significant return on your investment.

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Can Your BDR Save Your Business?

Can Your BDR Save Your Business?

Your business seems to be humming along nicely and, BOOM, a disaster hits. Whether this disaster is caused by an act of God, a cybercriminal, or one of your own employees, you have to be ready. Today, we will look at several statistics that show you just how important having a well strategized data backup and disaster recovery plan is.

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Backup and Disaster Recovery is the Best Backup Solutions

Backup and Disaster Recovery is the Best Backup Solutions

In the wake of the countless threats out there that can threaten your business, it’s more important than ever before to think about what your organization is doing to protect its data--and, by extension, its future. Depending on the current data backup solution your organization uses, it might be time to consider a change for the better.

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Redundancy: a Benefit When Dealing with Data

Redundancy: a Benefit When Dealing with Data

Data is the backbone of any modern business. Since your organization relies so much on it, you need to have measures in place to ensure that your business can access it in some way, shape or form at all times. This is easier said than done, especially for a business on a budget. We’ll walk you through how you can implement a comprehensive data backup solution to protect your organization.

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Is Your Backup and Recovery Strategy Solid?

Is Your Backup and Recovery Strategy Solid?

Does your business know how it takes data backups and restores data following a disaster? It’s one of the most important parts of managing a business, especially in a world where hackers and mistakes can happen in a moment’s notice. Do you know how to ensure that your business is as secure as possible in the event of a disaster? A good place to start is understanding the various terminology associated with data backup and disaster recovery.

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Tip of the Week: We All Make Mistakes, but Try To Avoid These Computing Ones

Tip of the Week: We All Make Mistakes, but Try To Avoid These Computing Ones

Mistakes happen, especially where technology is involved. There are plenty of ways that user error can occur when using a computer--many of which are avoidable through simple preventative measures. For our tip this week, we’ll go over some behaviors to avoid when using a computer.

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Backup and Recovery Move to the Cloud to Protect Businesses

Backup and Recovery Move to the Cloud to Protect Businesses

The cloud has been a major game-changer for business technology, but perhaps its most important contribution has been to the backup and disaster recovery process. Businesses no longer have to suffer due to unforeseen circumstances such as hardware failure or hacking attacks. Instead, a cloud-based backup and disaster recovery solution, also known as BDR, can provide a considerable failsafe for your organization.

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