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Will Businesses Still Have Departments Going Forward?

Will Businesses Still Have Departments Going Forward?

Sales. HR. Customer Service. IT. Accounting. Management. These different business departments have (for the most part) been categorized and compartmentalized for decades, cooperating to some extent but largely operating independently of one another. The question is, will this remain to be the case, with so many people now working remotely and communicating with their teammates as needed? Let’s try to make a few predictions as to the future of the departments we are all so familiar with.

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Hybrid Work Can Keep Your Workforce Together

Hybrid Work Can Keep Your Workforce Together

Ever since employees began returning to the office after getting a taste of remote work, there has been an ongoing war between employers wishing a return to normalcy and the employees who would rather get their work done from the comforts of their own home. Now, a new survey indicates that half of employees would rather quit than deal with an employer who mandates a return to the office environment.

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Managed Services – The Ultimate SMB Budget Hack

Managed Services – The Ultimate SMB Budget Hack

It’s not often that something profoundly changes the landscape of business technology management as much as managed services has. When implemented correctly, managed IT services can completely replace the traditional methods of technology management within a company, and it all starts with changing not just your budgeting practices but also your maintenance practices.

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IT Procurement Has Hit a Snag Thanks to Supply Chain Issues

IT Procurement Has Hit a Snag Thanks to Supply Chain Issues

If you have tried to procure hardware or products over the past couple years, chances are you have noticed that it is harder to find them than usual. This is particularly the case for any companies that have dealings with computing hardware, as the price has been hiked considerably on even the most basic of components. What has triggered this dramatic change in the technology supply chain, and what can be done about it?

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Change Your Organization’s Strategies and Technology to Improve Employee Productivity

Change Your Organization’s Strategies and Technology to Improve Employee Productivity

Collaboration is not just nice, it is the only way many businesses can afford to keep the lights on. Understanding that truth makes it important to find the right strategies and technologies to support your staff’s collaborative endeavors. Today, we take a look at a few options to help improve your business’ collaboration. 

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It’s Global Recycling Day… Do You Know Your Business’ Carbon Footprint?

It’s Global Recycling Day… Do You Know Your Business’ Carbon Footprint?

Today is Global Recycling Day, and is intended to remind us of all the materials that can be reused in everyday life, in part as a way to decrease our individual carbon footprint. However, it's valuable to know how much your business contributes in terms of its carbon footprint… and, once you know that figure, how you can reduce it.

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How Do Hybrid Work Strategies Help Your Business?

How Do Hybrid Work Strategies Help Your Business?

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us that not all companies have considered how to be flexible in their operations, but it has also given them opportunities to adjust accordingly. With these new flexibilities in place, what does the future of your office look like? Would you ever consider a hybrid approach to the workplace?

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As a Boss, Can I Monitor My Employees Through Their Webcams?

As a Boss, Can I Monitor My Employees Through Their Webcams?

One of the great obstacles many businesses have to remote work is the fact that, well, the team will be remote—not in the office, safely under supervision. This has led many to consider using the webcams installed in their employees’ devices to keep tabs on them. Let’s explore the idea of monitoring your team, and why it probably isn’t a good one.

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Supply Chain Issues Wreaking Havoc for Businesses

Supply Chain Issues Wreaking Havoc for Businesses

In many places, businesses have been operating in a manner that is closer to “business as usual” than “pandemic-altered”. This doesn’t mean the pandemic is over, but a lot of businesses are now able to make decisions as they were before the pandemic. This is a good thing, but there is one aspect of business that doesn’t seem to be normalizing: the supply chain. Let’s take a look at why supply chain issues persist and what you can do about them.

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There is a Strategy to Making Smart Technology Investments

There is a Strategy to Making Smart Technology Investments

A lot of companies are making large technology investments, in fact, if you are here now, you are probably thinking about making such an investment for your own business. One problem that growing companies have is identifying and investing in the right technology. Today, we thought we would give you a couple of tips on how to go about making technology investment decisions that will be the most advantageous for your business.

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Why You Need to Invest in Your Remote Collaboration Capabilities

Why You Need to Invest in Your Remote Collaboration Capabilities

With businesses handling operations in different ways, their employees must adapt to the circumstances handed to them. Some companies have begun to experiment with the status quo and are for the first time realizing the value that can come from allowing staff to work remotely. We’d like to discuss some of the ways your team might rely on technology to make remote collaboration effective and how you can optimize your experience with these collaborative platforms.

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What Compliance Reporting is Your Business Required to Do?

What Compliance Reporting is Your Business Required to Do?

Some industries require more compliance than others, as they deal with sensitive data on a regular basis. In efforts to protect this data, governments and agencies have implemented laws, regulations, and other requirements to ensure businesses remain compliant with this expectation.

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3 Policies to Simplify Your Choice of Office Technology

3 Policies to Simplify Your Choice of Office Technology

If you aren’t versed in business technology, finding the right solutions can be challenging to say the least. Technology should make your life easier, not more difficult. With so many options at your fingertips, we thought it would be helpful to share a couple of tips to help you get started with deploying the right technology solutions for your organization. Here are three tips to help you make the best, most educated decisions about the technology for your business.

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Is Your Business Spending Too Much on Printing?

Is Your Business Spending Too Much on Printing?

When looking to cut your costs, one of the best places to start looking is at your printing. While paper documents were once incredibly important for businesses (they still serve a function), no one can deny that they take up a considerable amount of space in the workplace, as well as take up precious assets that could be better spent elsewhere. What’s the best way to minimize the resources you spend on printing?

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Get to Where You Want to Go with Technology

Get to Where You Want to Go with Technology

Technology enables some amazing things for businesses, but it can influence the way you both look at operations and the way your business functions. Not all businesses have the capital to make these large technology investments. You are far from optionless, though; today we want to discuss some of the better investments you can make in your technology infrastructure, in particular ones that won’t drain your budget.

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A Hard Look at a Four-Day Workweek

A Hard Look at a Four-Day Workweek

When you think about the workweek, there’s a good chance that some iteration of the 40-hour week, broken into 9-to-5 shifts on the weekdays is what comes to mind. It’s just the way things are done. However, this may not be a good thing. Let’s consider the origins of our modern work schedule, and how changing it could provide us all with some serious benefits.

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Network Monitoring Goes a Long Way Towards Protecting Your Network

Network Monitoring Goes a Long Way Towards Protecting Your Network

Network security is remarkably important for businesses, whether they are small organizations or large enterprises, regardless of industry or number of clients served. Your company needs to take it seriously, which means that you need to actively monitor your network for signs of intrusion. Let’s take a look at what goes into network monitoring.

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Analytics can Change Your Business Like It has Changed Baseball

Analytics can Change Your Business Like It has Changed Baseball

It’s almost summer, which means baseball is in full swing. The game that many of us grew up on has recently gone through a major shift; one that small business owners can replicate to help their organizations. It came about through the use of data and today we’ll discuss how the national pastime has changed and how you can use the same strategies to help make your business better. 

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Proactive Maintenance Can Save Your Business a lot of Grief

Proactive Maintenance Can Save Your Business a lot of Grief

If you want to minimize costs, being proactive can go a long way toward this goal. Your business’ technology is one such area where proactive maintenance can allow your company to save countless dollars and hours of downtime. If you haven’t implemented a proactive maintenance platform yet, then you might be putting your company at risk.

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Is it Worth Pushing for a Return to Office?

Is it Worth Pushing for a Return to Office?

Now, you may or may not have already made the transition back to the office, and this really applies more to those who haven’t yet. However, even those who have may find some utility here—specifically, in determining if a push to a full return to office was the right move.

Let’s explore how today’s employees may react to the news that remote work will no longer be an option.

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