Smart Services has been providing independent agents with proactive, fast, and expert technology services since 1991.

Don’t Want to Fully Outsource? Consider Co-Managed IT

Don’t Want to Fully Outsource? Consider Co-Managed IT

SMBs need to be able to navigate the complexities of IT, whether it’s with a completely outsourced IT department or an in-house team of technicians. However, if you are thinking of technology management in this black-and-white way, you are eliminating the potential for enormous benefit through the use of co-managed IT.

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Did You Know? Big Tech Companies Don’t Care About Your Data Privacy

Did You Know? Big Tech Companies Don’t Care About Your Data Privacy

How important do you consider security for your personal and private data on your web-connected accounts? If you don’t think about it often, you should be; countless entities out there—including major enterprises and providers you trust—do not respect your data privacy and security. Let’s discuss how some large companies take advantage of your data and some of the questions you should consider when trusting these companies with your data.

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You Deserve IT Services Shaped to Your Needs

You Deserve IT Services Shaped to Your Needs

For any business to succeed, it needs to exhibit some degree of empathy toward its audience. Otherwise, the services and products they offer will be less likely to meet the priorities and needs that its targets are experiencing.

As a managed service provider, this is perhaps most true of us, as our services revolve around predicting the needs of our clientele and resolving them… ideally, before the client even realizes they have a need to fulfill.

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What Makes Outsourcing IT So Valuable for SMBs?

What Makes Outsourcing IT So Valuable for SMBs?

Technology has ingrained itself into just about every facet of modern life, particularly in the business world where every competitive edge makes a difference. Many small and medium-sized businesses simply don’t have the staff on-hand to manage and maintain their technology solutions, instead opting to outsource this important responsibility to managed service providers (MSPs).

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Which Leadership Style Do You Tend to Use in Your Business?

Which Leadership Style Do You Tend to Use in Your Business?

Leadership can take many forms. As a leader in your own company, it can pay to understand what form of leadership you tend to express when working with your team. Let’s review some leadership styles to see if anything resonates.

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The Problem With Devaluing Employees

The Problem With Devaluing Employees

Running a business can be tough and result in a lot of frustration from staff, management, and customers. Sometimes that frustration can boil over and cause consternation among the core elements that need to function for a business to be successful. This week, let’s look at an issue that can really hurt your business.

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Are Businesses Really Considering the Four-Day Workweek?

Are Businesses Really Considering the Four-Day Workweek?

There has been a lot of talk about ways to get more productivity from your staff. One idea floated a few years ago was reducing the number of days people work to four. Now, if you think, “How does working one less day improve worker productivity?” you aren’t alone. This week, we will take a look at the benefits of a four-day workweek.

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Scope Creep Can Railroad Your Projects

Scope Creep Can Railroad Your Projects

Projects are a big part of the small business model. Whether they are projects to improve organizational efficiency or productivity or projects that are completed for customers, strong project management is extremely important. Scope creep happens when a project becomes less efficient because the demands of the project keep changing. In today’s blog, we will try to define scope creep and how to prevent it from being a problem for your business.

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Could Your Employees Benefit from a Compressed Workweek?

Could Your Employees Benefit from a Compressed Workweek?

The concept of a four-day workweek has started to gain significant traction among businesses of all sizes. There's a subtle distinction between the traditional four-day workweek and the compressed workweek, however. Today, we will discuss the compressed workweek and what it means for employees.

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Worried Your Workplace Might Be Toxic? Here’s How to Fix It

Worried Your Workplace Might Be Toxic? Here’s How to Fix It

“Toxic” is a buzzword that is often used nowadays, but when it is used to describe a business’ work environment, it needs to be treated with deadly seriousness.

If a workplace is a place people don’t like to be, many drawbacks will ultimately impact operations. Therefore, it is to your benefit to keep your business as positive a workplace as possible.

Let’s discuss how to tell if your company has a toxic workplace and, if so, how to resolve it.

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Tip of the Week: 2 Ways to Minimize Your Business’s Environmental Impact

b2ap3_thumbnail_green_tech_ideas_400.jpgTechnology allows your business to achieve growth and greatness. However, technology has also brought about a society that oftentimes tosses old technology aside in favor of the latest and greatest devices. This is a habit we have yet to break, but it’s not too late to do the right thing and commit your business to environmentally friendly practices.

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Use this Tested Formula to Improve Employee Loyalty

Use this Tested Formula to Improve Employee Loyalty

There’s an undeniable connection between success and emotional attachment. Marketers know this, which is why you see so many commercials that seek to manipulate your heartstrings. The point of these stirring advertisements is to engage consumers on a deeper level, and thus, create brand loyalty. It stands to reason that the same strategy can be applied to retaining and engaging your employees.

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Tip of the Week: Successful Remote Workers Swear By These 4 Rules

Tip of the Week: Successful Remote Workers Swear By These 4 Rules

With today’s great technology solutions, working remotely is no longer just a dream. Many businesses have either a partial or a complete remote staff, and it’s all held together by modern technology solutions. However, even with the latest tech, remote workers still have to be diligent and invest in their own success.

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Why So Many Agencies Outsource Their IT to the Pros

Why So Many Agencies Outsource Their IT to the Pros

How often does your technology experience trouble? If your business is constantly dealing with technical hiccups, your assets, which are meant to help your agency grow, can quickly become a nuisance that holds you back. How can you take better care of your technology, and use it to usher in a new era of productivity?

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Is Unplugging From Technology While on Vacation a Good Idea?

Is Unplugging From Technology While on Vacation a Good Idea?

Vacations are an important part of maintaining one’s sanity, especially if you’re an agency owner. However, unless you have a reliable staff that can handle the management of your business, chances are you might feel you can’t get away from the office long enough to relax. While it might seem tempting to disconnect yourself from the office entirely while on vacation, it’s actually better for your business if you don’t.

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Microsoft Enters the Technology as a Service Market

Microsoft Enters the Technology as a Service Market

One of Microsoft’s latest moves to appeal to business owners is its Technology as a Service program, allowing small businesses to purchase Surface products, accessories, and support via a monthly payment plan. The plan allows for upgrades, although some fees may apply as dictated by the lease.

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When Relocating to a New Office, Make Sure Your Technology is Up for the Move

When Relocating to a New Office, Make Sure Your Technology is Up for the Move

Moving your office is a difficult task. Moving furniture, personal objects, and technology can be a hassle that you don’t even want to think about. There’s nothing easy about moving your office’s technology to a new location, and we’re not going to let you do it alone!

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How to Make Your Network Ideal for Telecommuters and Remote Workers

b2ap3_thumbnail_mobile_friendly_network_400.jpgMany businesses see the value in allowing their team to work remotely, which sounds great on paper. Workers don’t have to be at the office to get work done, so long as they have an Internet connection. Most important of all, though, is how much money a business can save by allowing its workers to work remotely. Thus, the primary objective should be to make it as easy as possible for remote workers to perform their jobs.

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Your Company Shouldn’t Skip a Beat In the Face of a Disaster

b2ap3_thumbnail_continuity_planning_400.jpgThe continuity of your business should be a major priority, especially considering how you and your employees rely on your business for their livelihood. But believe it or not, there are many organizations that don’t give a second thought to the preservation of their data and critical assets. Nonetheless, you need to pay proper attention to how your organization handles problems like natural disasters, data loss, hacking attacks, and other hazardous incidents.

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Twitter Can Be a Valuable Business Asset

b2ap3_thumbnail_twittastic_400.jpgDespite the fact that 255 million people use Twitter, some businesses want nothing to do with it. They see it as little more than a waste of time. However, these anti-Twitter activists fail to realize that the social media outlet has an unmistakably large influence in the marketing industry. Unlike Facebook, Twitter gives you the opportunity to customize your audience to suit the precise needs of your business, and the best part of this is that it’s completely free.

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