Most modern businesses need access to crucial parts of their infrastructure in order to keep operations moving forward. For example, your building’s electricity is necessary to power your technology, and without an Internet connection, you could be losing out on hours of potential productivity. What can you do to minimize downtime and make the best out of a bad situation?
Your agency’s data is its lifeline. Without it, you can’t hope to continue functioning, especially if you’re unable to recover it following a data loss disaster. Businesses that experience a devastating data loss and are unable to recover, are likely to go out of business within one calendar year following the incident. Is your business prepared to tackle a data loss disaster?
When was the last time you provided your business with improved technology that offers a great return on investment? If your business is using software and hardware that hasn’t been updated in several years, the same technology that’s necessary for your operations could be holding you back from achieving optimal efficiency.
Seasoned business owners understand the value of working with professionally-trained teams. Due to the complexities and time constraints of running a business, there’s no way that one person can do everything, much less doing everything well. Therefore, it’s ideal to have a professional team dedicated to every aspect of your business, especially when it comes to IT.
In a world where brief emails and instant messages inundate our day-to-day lives, there’s something to be said about taking the time to pick up the phone and talk to your customers. As your business grows and your client base expands, this can become increasingly expensive. VoIP is the perfect communications solution for your growing business.
If you’re the owner of a successful and fast-growing business, you know what it’s like to have your time spread thin. With all of your responsibilities pulling you every which way, thinking about your company’s IT network tends to get pushed to the bottom of your list. We feel like you shouldn’t have to divert energy from money making ventures to worry about your IT.
How involved in your operations is your IT department? Does your SMB even have an IT department? Many organizations tend to consider IT an afterthought because they don’t believe themselves to be targets for hackers, or don’t anticipate costly technology issues. However, these business owners underestimate the power of complete transparency between an organization and IT.