Smart Services has been providing independent agents with proactive, fast, and expert technology services since 1991.

This Lesser Known Side of the Internet of Things May be the Most Significant

b2ap3_thumbnail_internet_of_things_400.jpgWhen one thinks about the Internet of Things (IoT), smart homes, smart cars, and mobile devices come to mind. While innovations like these are fueling the excitement behind the IoT, it’s actually the smaller, behind-the-scenes IoT devices that are poised to bring about the most significant change to our connected society.

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3 Ways to Know if Your Company’s Better Off With a Private Cloud

b2ap3_thumbnail_your_private_cloud_solution_400.jpgMore businesses today are taking advantage of cloud computing than ever before, but one thing isn’t certain; what type of cloud solution a business needs to be using. While there are public, private, and even hybrid cloud solutions, the private cloud stands out as an ideal solution for organizations that want optimal control over their data. How can your business benefit from leveraging a private cloud solution?

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4 Benefits to Cloud Computing You Should Consider

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_for_your_business_400.jpgCloud computing is an important game changer for businesses, but some are dragging their heels when it comes to implementing this new concept into their strategy. One of the biggest reasons why businesses hold off moving to the cloud is because they are not  certain of what the cloud does.

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Your IT Needs to Be Involved with Your Cloud Solution

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_it_host_400.jpgOne of the greatest advances in technology solutions to have emerged in the past few years is cloud computing. In fact, it’s one of the most popular Software as a Service (SaaS) platforms out there for the modern business. Are you prepared to commit to a cloud solution that can potentially improve productivity on all levels of your business infrastructure?

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3 Ways that Application Virtualization Can Benefit Your Business

b2ap3_thumbnail_virtualize_400.jpgThe modern business world is constantly evolving, and one of the revolutions that have allowed for this is virtualization. You might have heard about server virtualization or even desktop virtualization. Did you know that you can virtualize your applications, too? In fact, it can be one of the most valuable uses for virtualization, especially considering the upcoming Windows Server 2003 end-of-support date.

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Moving to the Cloud Is Great if It Is Done Properly

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_eureka_400.jpgCloud computing is a revolution which is bringing about a change in the way small businesses view the consumption and analysis of data. More businesses than ever before have joined the cloud trend. However, some are finding that their cloud solution isn’t ideal, or they have presumptions about the cloud that simply aren’t true.

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3 Concepts to Think About Before Adding Thin Clients in Your Workplace

b2ap3_thumbnail_virtualized_server_400.jpgSome businesses are finding hardware virtualization to be an effective alternative to hosting their own servers in-house, and for good reason. They save money that would ordinarily be spent on electricity and operating costs associated with owning machinery. Similar to these virtual servers and workstations are what are known as “thin clients.”

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It Might Be Time to Reevaluate Your VPN Strategy

b2ap3_thumbnail_vpn_strategy_400.jpgAccessibility and mobility are important parts of a business’s data infrastructure. To this end, some businesses take advantage of a Virtual Private Network (VPN), which has the power to extend a personal network over a private network like the Internet. However, with new services like cloud computing gaining traction, is it time for businesses to switch up their VPN policies to stay relevant in their industry?

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What Does Your 2015 IT Budget Look Like?

b2ap3_thumbnail_it_budget_info_400.jpgAs we near the end of 2014, the topic of IT budgeting is on everyone’s minds. How much are you willing to spend, and on what? In order to provide optimal figures for the new year, you need to take some time to plan out what you think you need to spend, versus how much you’re willing to spend, on IT. Thankfully, you don’t have to do this alone.

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3 Trends for the Future of Cloud Computing

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_computing_400.jpgThe cloud is changing the future of the technology industry in ways previously unseen. The cloud has the ability to store and process data from anywhere with a mobile device, which greatly changes the way that businesses operate. Everyone has their own predictions about what will happen as the cloud becomes more popular, but Greg Walters of Walters & Shutwell Inc. has some particularly interesting ideas to chew on.

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ITaaS: Transform Your IT Department Into a Service!

b2ap3_thumbnail_managed_services_provider_400.jpgWhat are managed IT services all about? You've heard about how businesses are saving on their IT costs by outsourcing their technology needs, but how does this service work? The money-saving answer comes from this radical new approach to treating IT as a Service!

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Don’t Be Taken by the Cloud Computing Trend!

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_mind_400.jpgIt's the nature of trends for people to want to capitalize on them, which means that many sellers of what's trendy may have little experience working with the trends that they're selling. As a business looking to take advantage of the latest technology trends, it's important that you're not bamboozled by a smooth talking technology marketer with no depth.

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3 Ways Cloud Computing is Changing IT for the Better

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_hand_400.jpgCloud computing is making everything easier. Companies that operated IT infrastructures of their own before the cloud know firsthand how much easier it is thanks to the cloud. A brief comparison of doing business before and after the cloud will show just how much cloud computing is changing things.

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Cloud Safety Presents New Options for Businesses

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_security_400.jpgAdmit it, you've thought about moving some of your computing infrastructure to the cloud, but just couldn't take the leap because there is a perception out there that suggests cloud-based computing systems are less secure than the ones that you house within the confines of your office. The fact of the matter is that every piece of computing infrastructure has the same shortcomings as far as security goes. Whether hosted in a cloud or in an enterprise data server, the thing that makes data security work for business is having the right people managing your information.

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Desktop Virtualization is a Viable Solution for Your Networking Needs

b2ap3_thumbnail_thin_clients_save_money_400.jpgIs your business taking advantage of desktop virtualization? It's a great money-saving solution that allows you to host a desktop environment from your server so that it can be accessed remotely on a terminal or device via your network. Businesses wanting to control their data while enjoying the conveniences of the cloud will get the most from desktop virtualization.

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The Size of the Cloud Matters

b2ap3_thumbnail_size_of_cloud400.jpgBy now, the advantages of using a cloud-based solution to backup your company's data are well known. It's easy to use, scalable, and cost effective. However, not all cloud-based backup solutions are created equal. There's still a level of risk, albeit a small one, that comes with cloud computing. It's important that your cloud service is thoroughly explained to you.

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4 Personal Benefits of Cloud Computing

b2ap3_thumbnail_novcloud400.jpgOne of the most attractive features of cloud computing is the ability to free you from your desk and go mobile. While there are many ways that going mobile can benefit your business, like making your staff more productive, there are also several personal benefits worth considering by doing your work on the go.

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Take Back Profitable Space with Cloud Computing

b2ap3_thumbnail_cramped400.jpgOne of the surest ways to boost your bottom line is with cuts. You can then funnel these cuts into your revenue column and look profitable, even with lousy sales. While this approach will boost your bottom line, your numbers will be hollow. The smartest way to cut is to replace the loss with something profitable. Cloud computing lets you make profitable cuts.

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A Gracious Host: 3 Ways Cloud Computing Can Help Your Business

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud400.jpgMuch has been made of the cloud recently and you see more and more that companies of all sizes are beginning to utilize cloud computing services in some fashion. Whether it's simply the incorporation of web-based social networking interfaces as inexpensive (and seemingly valuable) marketing tools, or the complex hosting of your company's entire computing infrastructure, the cloud has several options that can work for your business. Below are three ways in which the cloud can present your organization reasonably valuable solutions.

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Your Tape Backup is a Business Risk

There was a time when tape backup was the cheapest and the standard data backup solution for businesses. Over the years, cloud services have become more affordable, and now cloud backup solutions like a BDR are cheaper and give businesses more security features. If you are still backing up with tape, then you may be losing money and even putting your business at risk!

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