Smart Services has been providing independent agents with proactive, fast, and expert technology services since 1991.

Jerry Fetty is the CEO and founder of SMART I.T. Services, Inc. Jerry has been called the "Geek King". He has been helping companies make smart decisions about their networks and automation systems for over 30 years.

Windows XP is Dead. Let it Go.

b2ap3_thumbnail_sq-3-400.pngIf you haven't yet upgraded from Windows XP, then you and 29% of the world must have strong reasons for hanging on to a twelve year old product. Unfortunately, everybody's strong reasons won't hold water come April 8th when Microsoft stops supporting XP with new security patches.

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Computer Broke? Phone it In!

b2ap3_thumbnail_call_us_up_for_help_400.jpgWhen people talk about "phoning it in," they usually refer to purposely doing subpar work at their job. However, when a computer breaks and someone "phones it in," they're referring to calling remote IT support, which has a completely different connotation because remote IT service is service that's of the highest quality!

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Smartphones and Human Productivity Part 1/2: Networking

b2ap3_thumbnail_social_networking_smartphone_400.jpgWhat kind of phone do you have? Or rather, what kind of person does your phone have? With people relying on constant connectivity and constant communication, do devices have an interface for constant productivity, or is it just a constant distraction? Do all these outstanding new gadgets have the kind of value business professionals claim they do?

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Efficiency is Important for Your Business

b2ap3_thumbnail_business_of_efficiency_400.jpgWhen your business runs efficiently, you will see the positive side effects start relatively quickly. While this seems pretty reasonable to most everyone, there are many business owners that don't know how to best produce the kind of efficiency that will take their business to the next level.

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Can New Leadership at Microsoft Change the Tech World

b2ap3_thumbnail_Satya_Nadella_CEO_400.jpgThe CEO baton at Microsoft has been passed from Steve Ballmer to Satya Nadella, making Nadella the third CEO in Microsoft's well-publicized history. You may not think that this will have an impact on your business, but considering how intertwined Microsoft is with the the global economy, you may be surprised to learn that this move will affect your company.

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How the Evolving Role of IT can Benefit Your Business

b2ap3_thumbnail_business_reviews_400.jpgAs the world of business becomes increasingly dependent upon technology, the role of IT is changing. Historically, the IT department has been viewed as a separate entity in the office that fixes and maintains the IT infrastructure. Today, more companies are involving IT when making important business decisions. Have you consulted your IT professional lately?

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Save Money by Upgrading these 4 Outdated Technologies

b2ap3_thumbnail_save_money_by_scrapping_tech_400.jpgSome people refuse to upgrade their technology because they're ardently committed to the principle of "if it's not broke, don't fix it." We admire a person's resolve to stand up for their convictions, but there are cases when old technology gets in the way of profits. Here are four examples of old technologies that may be holding your business back.

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Increase Employee Productivity by 25% with Content Filtering

b2ap3_thumbnail_content_filtering_boosts_productivity_400.jpg"Heigh-ho, heigh-ho. It's off to work we go!" Do you know the secret to why Dwarves are so good at mining? It's because they don't have an Internet connection in the caves to distract them from digging and singing. If you're looking to turn your staff into a loyal Dwarf-like workforce, then you will want to take advantage of content filtering.

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Desktop Virtualization is a Viable Solution for Your Networking Needs

b2ap3_thumbnail_thin_clients_save_money_400.jpgIs your business taking advantage of desktop virtualization? It's a great money-saving solution that allows you to host a desktop environment from your server so that it can be accessed remotely on a terminal or device via your network. Businesses wanting to control their data while enjoying the conveniences of the cloud will get the most from desktop virtualization.

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Adding a Computer Network to Your Startup Business

b2ap3_thumbnail_computer_network400.jpgOne of the most significant signs that a small startup company is on its way to becoming a mid-sized business is when operations require more than one workstation. Whenever the founder of a company starts their business on their own, they will often do so using their personal computer. As the business grows, a computer network will be needed.

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4 Technology Downgrades That Will Save You Money

b2ap3_thumbnail_downgrade_save_money400.jpgThe entire purpose of equipping your business with technology is to save you money while making you money. When technology costs you more money than it should, you will want to change your tech situation to better suite your needs. This is an example of the classic money management strategy, "only pay for what you need."

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The Size of the Cloud Matters

b2ap3_thumbnail_size_of_cloud400.jpgBy now, the advantages of using a cloud-based solution to backup your company's data are well known. It's easy to use, scalable, and cost effective. However, not all cloud-based backup solutions are created equal. There's still a level of risk, albeit a small one, that comes with cloud computing. It's important that your cloud service is thoroughly explained to you.

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Simplify Your TV Experience and Go Wireless!

b2ap3_thumbnail_stream_to_television400.jpgSo you have yourself a big television. With the right hookups, you can turn your TV into a powerful business tool for your conference room. To get the most out of your conference room TV experience, you can cut the cord entirely and go wireless! Here's how you do it.

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Windows XP is a Security Risk for Your Business

b2ap3_thumbnail_xpvirus400.jpgWindows XP is slated by Microsoft to have its support end on April 8, 2014. This means that everyone using XP beyond this date will no longer be able to receive security updates from Microsoft, which will turn Windows XP into a liability. You may be waiting until April to upgrade, but as you will see, even waiting a few months to upgrade is a risky move.

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The Shocking Truth about UPS!

b2ap3_thumbnail_ups400.jpgWhat do you do when you have more electronics than power outlets? If you're like most of us, you will get for yourself an inexpensive power strip and keep plugging stuff in. This may work for your kitchen appliances, but with your computer equipment, you will want something more heavy duty.

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5 Ways a Hacker can Crack Your Password

b2ap3_thumbnail_sec400_20131217-184258_1.jpgAll that stands between a hacker and your sensitive information is one puny password. You may think that your password is uncrackable because it has served you well all these years, but the reality of the situation is that an experienced hacker can break almost any password. Here are the most popular methods.

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Tips to Search the Web like a Pro, Part 2

b2ap3_thumbnail_mastery400.jpgLast week, we shared four tips to help you search the web and find anything that you're looking for. In part 2, we will take a look at additional search tools that will help you refine your searches so you can become a search master!

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Your Guide to High-Tech Holiday Goodies

b2ap3_thumbnail_techgift400.jpgIt's time once again for holiday shopping, and you've got a plethora of technology choices before you. With so many options, it's easy to get confused and grab the first thing you come across. To help you avoid the stress of shopping for technology this holiday season, we've prepared for you this guide so you can be sure that you're purchasing the best item for people on your list.

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4 Options to Fix a Broken PC

b2ap3_thumbnail_outsource400.jpgThe value of professional services is that you can contract someone a reasonable fee to do something that you don't have the time or skill to achieve on your own. If you work in the service industry, this is your business model. Outsourcing the management of your IT to SMART Services is a classic example of a professional service that can save you money.

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Warning: CryptoLocker Virus will Delete Your Data!

b2ap3_thumbnail_crilock400.jpgThe CryptoLocker virus is a new ransomware that began attacking computers via the Internet last September and has now grown to become one of the world's fastest spreading and most dangerous malwares. If your business isn't prepared for CryptoLocker, then your company's data is at serious risk.

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