Smart Services has been providing independent agents with proactive, fast, and expert technology services since 1991.

Are You Budgeting for IT Security?

b2ap3_thumbnail_IT_security_budget_400.jpgIt’s the nature of technology to grow more complex over time, and as it does, the types of threats grow alongside it. Security is now more important than ever before, and if your business is not prepared to handle the threats that lurk in the shadows, your organization could be running with an unnecessary crutch.

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4 Pieces of Office Equipment That You Don’t Need to Replace

b2ap3_thumbnail_halt_do_not_fret_400.jpgThe IT landscape has changed so dramatically over the past decade that businesses need to stop and consider the latest solutions before cycling out their old IT equipment. In the past, when it came time to replace office technology, one would simply run down a standard list of IT equipment. Now, much of this standard equipment is no longer necessary.

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How Can You Tell if a Technology Vendor is Right for Your Business?

b2ap3_thumbnail_vendor_management_for_your_business_400.jpgIt can make a big difference for your business to partner with the right technology vendor. How can you know if you’re working with a vendor that’s looking out for your company’s best interests, or one that wants to rip you off? You can know for sure if you’re working with the right vendor if you have your trusted IT provider choose them for you.

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Is Lame Technology Killing Your Company’s Collaboration Efforts?

b2ap3_thumbnail_frustrating_old_tech_400.jpgCollaboration. It’s a buzzword that managers talk about all the time, yet few organizations will claim that they’ve mastered it. It’s often a company’s misuse of technology that attributes to their collaboration shortcomings--which is ironic because utilizing the right technology is the surest way to improve collaboration.

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3 Reasons Why Humans Screw Up Technology

b2ap3_thumbnail_human_tech_issues_400.jpgTechnology is reliable. With correct coding and high-level instructions, technology will do exactly what it’s supposed to do. Yet, technology has a reputation for failing and being hard to work with. Might we be so bold as to suggest that the majority of technology problems are actually caused by humans? Here are three ways that human behavior breaks perfectly good technology.

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Quit Avoiding Proven Technologies!

b2ap3_thumbnail_solutions_for_business_400.jpgIt's the nature of technology to take a while for the market to fully appreciate it. After it's released, there's an implementation phase where the benefits are weighed against the risks. This phase is usually a slow one, but if the technology is good, then its acceptance will be widespread and businesses will have to give excuses on why they're not using it.

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3 Signs Your Business is Stuck in the Not-So-Good Old Days

b2ap3_thumbnail_paper_technolgy_waste_400.jpgThere are some good things about the past. Events that happened then have led you to where you are now - you're an owner of a thriving business, and you can remember being a startup like it was yesterday. But, does your technology also remember those halcyon days? If so, you might be due for a much-needed upgrade.

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Give Tech Security Credit When Credit Is Due

b2ap3_thumbnail_technology_security_credit_400.jpgWe talk a lot about viruses or holes in supposedly sound security structures, but today it seems as if that's all there is to talk about. It's all about the latest vulnerability, or a hacking attack that left millions of people with compromised passwords. People always concentrate on the negative aspects of things without looking at the positives.

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Do You Have an IT Professional Aiding Your Technology Choices?

b2ap3_thumbnail_outsource_it_400.jpgWho's in charge of making the decisions in your business concerning technology? Ideally, you want an internal IT manager or a CIO with IT experience calling the tech shots. However, many businesses don't have this luxury. According to a CompTIA survey from last November, 48 percent of businesses have managers making decisions about technology implementation that don't have IT experience.

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Mountains of Old Monitors are Creating an Ecological Disaster!

b2ap3_thumbnail_ecological_disaster_400.jpgRemember when you upgraded to a flat screen TV or monitor just a few years ago? You may have marveled at the increased picture quality and celebrated getting rid of your old and bulky equipment, but do you know what happened to the old CRT monitor after you threw it out? Unfortunately, the answer doesn't bode well for the environment.

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Desktop Virtualization – Is it Worth it?

b2ap3_thumbnail_virtualization_400.jpgThe world is slowly being overrun by machinery, and we are finding new uses for it every day. While not an entirely new subject, desktop virtualization is something that has become increasingly popular over the past few years, and it's easy to see why. Instead of keeping your desktop in a physical form, it's becoming more reliable to keep it digitally tucked away, safe and sound. This frees it from the potential physical problems associated with computers, such as a sudden crash or just dying out with age.

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You Might Be a Technology Redneck If…

b2ap3_thumbnail_technology_redneck_400.jpgNot too many years ago comedian Jeff Foxworthy became a star with his trademark "You Might Be a Redneck If..." jokes. Rednecks are an interesting breed that do things backwards because they stubbornly believe that it's the best way, and like all of us, rednecks use technology. Are you a technology redneck? Check out our redneck technology list to find out.

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Save Money by Upgrading these 4 Outdated Technologies

b2ap3_thumbnail_save_money_by_scrapping_tech_400.jpgSome people refuse to upgrade their technology because they're ardently committed to the principle of "if it's not broke, don't fix it." We admire a person's resolve to stand up for their convictions, but there are cases when old technology gets in the way of profits. Here are four examples of old technologies that may be holding your business back.

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Simplify Your TV Experience and Go Wireless!

b2ap3_thumbnail_stream_to_television400.jpgSo you have yourself a big television. With the right hookups, you can turn your TV into a powerful business tool for your conference room. To get the most out of your conference room TV experience, you can cut the cord entirely and go wireless! Here's how you do it.

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Your Guide to High-Tech Holiday Goodies

b2ap3_thumbnail_techgift400.jpgIt's time once again for holiday shopping, and you've got a plethora of technology choices before you. With so many options, it's easy to get confused and grab the first thing you come across. To help you avoid the stress of shopping for technology this holiday season, we've prepared for you this guide so you can be sure that you're purchasing the best item for people on your list.

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3 Ways We Can Help You by Talking to IT Vendors

b2ap3_thumbnail_whatcanido400.jpgSome people are so good at communicating that they do it for a living. The best communicators get paid to talk to people on the behalf of others, with an interpreter being the classic example of this. In your business dealings, there are some people that you would rather have someone else talk to on your behalf; IT vendors often fall into this category.

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Can Wearable Tech Benefit Your Business?

b2ap3_thumbnail_facetech400.jpgWhen smartphones and tablets were first introduced, many businesses mocked the idea that these novelty devices could usurp the mighty desktop. Companies that didn't get in early on these mobile device trends had to play catch up to their more insightful competitors. Wearable tech is the next mobile device trend on the horizon. Is it worth taking advantage of?

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5 Hacker-Friendly Technologies in Your Home

b2ap3_thumbnail_smart400.jpgDo you think your computer is the only technology you own that is vulnerable to hackers? You may be surprised to learn that there are other technologies in your office and home that can be hacked without you knowing about it. Here's a list of five of the most surprising technologies that may be putting your information at risk.

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What it Takes to Upgrade Your Technology

b2ap3_thumbnail_upgrade400.jpgIs your business prepared to invest all the time and resources it takes to implement a major change in technology? Implementing new business technology is much more complicated than hooking up a new PC at home. If you're planning on upgrading your company's technology, then you will want to know what you're getting into.

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Take Inventory on Your Old Technology

b2ap3_thumbnail_oldit400_20130723-154304_1.pngDo you have a plan to deal with your old technology, or do you have a closet full of used equipment? Are you aware of your equipment's refresh dates, or do you just replace components after they break? Knowing the condition of your technology, and having a plan to deal with old equipment, will save your business money.

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